Why Gen Z is bringing back flip phones:

Описание к видео Why Gen Z is bringing back flip phones:

A new trend has younger generations jumping back in time. We know Gen Z has revived a variety of vintage trends, everything from disposable cameras to bucket hats. On this episode of #WakeUpCLT To Go, we're digging in why young people are giving up their iPhones for flip phones in 2023.

But the latest blast from the past is a bit of a head scratcher. Young adults are starting to embrace flip phones! The old technology is bringing folks back to the basics with just the ability to call, text and take a grainy photo.

So why is Gen Z bringing back flip phones? Many people say they're trying to find the right balance of connection and presence with those in their life compared to being plugged in 24/7. Plus, many Gen Z'ers are simply trying to disconnect from social media for a change.

Big stars, including artist Camila Cabello have already made the switch, with Cabello saying she's part of the "Flip Phone Revolution."

Would you give up your smartphone for a basic device? Comment below or text us at 704-329-3600. #WakeUpCLT


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